Advantages of an IEC Elevator Encoder

Advantages of an IEC Elevator Encoder

Inelevators,theencoderisacriticalcomponent.Thedevicedetermines elevator encoder thetimingofaspecificmotionbyreadingthepulsenumberoftheelevator.Theencoderisahollow-boredevicethatcanfitwithintheelevator’sspaceandhasahighresolution.Itisusedtomonitorthespeedoftheelevator’scarandtosendcommands.Themainpurposeofanelevatorencoderistoensurethatelevatorsrunsmoothlyandreliably.

Industrial Encoder Corporation, or IEC, is a leader in the supply of magnetic and optical encoders for high-demand industrial applications. Over the last decade, the IEC has helped elevator manufacturers install over 20,000 encoders. Here are the main advantages of IEC encoders:

The elevator encoder is offered in various sizes and installation spaces, and can be installed in wet or dry environments. The encoder is durable and can withstand shocks and vibrations. The encoder is also suitable for installation in dusty environments. Its clamp can withstand the shock and vibration of an elevator. There are many types of elevator encoders available, from high-precision devices to general purpose units. Choose the one that best fits your needs.

The KCI 419 Dplus inductive elevator rotary encoder provides position feedback. It also measures the temperature of the brake, allowing downstream electronics to determine the status and level of brake wear. The KCI 419 Dplus inductive elevator rotary encoder is an excellent choice for cableless elevator cabins. The LINA 200 absolute inductive linear encoder offers a measurement standard consisting of two tracks. Each track measures different signal periods, which can be used to calculate absolute position values.

Despiteitslimitedapplicationinhigh-risebuildings,SilentMoveusesasimpleandcost-effectivesystemtomeasureelevatorspeedandpositionin elevator encoder real-time.Itiscompatiblewithbothresidentialandcargoelevatorsandutilizesatimingbelttomeasurethestandardfromdifferentplanes.Unlikeothertechnologies,itiseasytoinstallinelevators.Inaddition,itallowstheelevatortobeadjustedindependentlyforvariousspeedzones.

Another type of elevator encoder is based on the use of a cable. This cable includes an encoder core that delivers an encoding signal and an insulating barrier. The cable can also be installed on the brakes, shaft copying system, doors, and main motor. Encoders can help elevators start and stop smoothly at the correct floor and open and close doors quickly. The encoder also delivers operational monitoring data.

The amount of noise generated by an elevator encoder depends on the number of motor poles. The higher the number of motor poles, the more counts are produced per mechanical degree. However, the higher the number of poles, the more critical the mechanical alignment is. For example, a six-pole encoder can only handle 546 counts per mechanical degree, while a twenty-pole encoder has 1,820 counts per mechanical degree.

IEC IH-103 series has high performance features, such as Heavy Duty Ratings and an IP67 sealing. IEC also offers models with up to 4″ shaft bores. These products have a variety of applications in industries, such as robots and energy production. IEC also manufactures and markets Magnetic Encoders. A high-performance elevator encoder can help you maximize safety. So, whether you’re looking for an elevator encoder, look no further than IEC.

While installing an elevator encoder, make sure to clean the motor shaft first and screw the unit firmly to it. The screw should be tightly tightened as it can bottom out or slip on the motor shaft. If the connection is too loose, the encoder can move and cause other issues. You should always check the alignment of the elevator encoder and its mounting for any loose connection. If you’re unsure, check the manual for further information.